Wednesday 31 October 2018

AP Interview: Okinawa leader wants Americans to stop US base

AP Interview: Okinawa leader wants Americans to stop US base

Pakistan acquits Christian woman facing death for blasphemy

Pakistan acquits Christian woman facing death for blasphemy

Royals Harry and Meghan name kiwi birds 'gift' and 'sneeze'

Royals Harry and Meghan name kiwi birds 'gift' and 'sneeze'

Migrants to rest, hope to win mass transport to Mexico City

Migrants to rest, hope to win mass transport to Mexico City

Crashed Lion Air jet possibly found off Indonesia

Crashed Lion Air jet possibly found off Indonesia

Who is funding the migrant caravans from Central America?

Who is funding the migrant caravans from Central America?

Adventurer digs out of New Zealand avalanche; 2 guides die

Adventurer digs out of New Zealand avalanche; 2 guides die

Brazil's anti-corruption judge considers joining Bolsonaro

Brazil's anti-corruption judge considers joining Bolsonaro

Land O'Lakes withdraws support for GOP Rep. Steve King after boycott calls - Washington Post

Washington Post

Land O'Lakes withdraws support for GOP Rep. Steve King after boycott calls
Washington Post
This post has been updated. Land O'Lakes has withdrawn its support of a conservative lawmaker after the dairy company's political donation churned up online cries for a boycott of its products. According to the Federal Election Commission, a political ...

and more »

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Saudi prosecutor discusses Khashoggi case with Turkish intelligence: Demiroren agency

Saudi Arabia's public prosecutor held talks overnight with Turkish intelligence officials over the investigation into the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Demiroren news agency said.

from Reuters: World News

Disney’s 2020 cruise from New Orleans sells out in one hour

Disney’s 2020 cruise from New Orleans sells out in one hour

Trump blames media, 'the true Enemy of the People,' for inspiring hate

Trump blames media, 'the true Enemy of the People,' for inspiring hatePresident Trump lashed out at the press Monday for criticism of his response to the massacre at a Pittsburgh synagogue and the mail bomb plot targeting Democrats.

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FedEx Ends NRA Discount Program, Citing Low Shipping Volume

FedEx Ends NRA Discount Program, Citing Low Shipping VolumeFedEx has used the slogan "The World on Time" in varying capacities since

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Butler High School Classes Resumed After Shooting For Safety Reasons, Superintendent Says

Butler High School Classes Resumed After Shooting For Safety Reasons, Superintendent SaysA high school in Matthews, North Carolina, resumed classes on Monday after one

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Daily Digit: 2018 midterms have become the most expensive in history

Daily Digit: 2018 midterms have become the most expensive in historyOver $5 billion has been raised by candidates from all parties running for the Senate or the House, making the 2018 election the most expensive nonpresidential election in American history.

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Protests greet world's biggest statue in remote corner of India

Protests greet world's biggest statue in remote corner of IndiaAngry local communities have warned India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi to stay away from the inauguration on Wednesday of the world's biggest statue, a 182 metre (600 feet) high tribute to an independence hero. The Statue of Unity, which is twice the size of the Statue of Liberty, has been built in a remote corner of Gujarat state as a flagship project of conservative leader Modi who is to open it on Wednesday. Posters of Modi with Gujarat chief minister Vijay Rupani in a town near the statue were torn down or had the faces blackened at the weekend.

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With racial tension high in Florida race, Trump calls Gillum a 'thief'

With racial tension high in Florida race, Trump calls Gillum a 'thief'The president portrayed the choice in the race as between a Republican with an Ivy League pedigree and a Democrat he sees as a criminal.

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'What Happened Yesterday Will Not Break Us': Pittsburgh After The Horror

'What Happened Yesterday Will Not Break Us': Pittsburgh After The HorrorPITTSBURGH -- Susan Friedberg Kalson stood near the synagogue where a day

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What It’s Worth: $250,000

What It’s Worth: $250,000Whether you’re in the biggest city or smallest suburban town, every map dot in

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FBI warns potential targets that suspicious packages may still be in the mail

FBI warns potential targets that suspicious packages may still be in the mailMail bombing suspect makes first appearance in court.

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Turkey presses Saudi to say who sent Khashoggi killers: Erdogan

Turkey presses Saudi to say who sent Khashoggi killers: ErdoganSaudi prosecutor Saud Al Mojeb held talks with Istanbul's prosecutor on Monday and Tuesday about Khashoggi's death in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, which has escalated into a crisis for the world's top oil exporter. Riyadh at first denied any knowledge of, or role in, his disappearance four weeks ago but Mojeb has contradicted those statements, saying the killing of Khashoggi, a critic of de facto ruler Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, was premeditated. The case has put into focus the West's close relationship with Saudi Arabia - a major arms buyer and lynchpin of Washington's regional plans to contain Iran - given the widespread scepticism over its initial response.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

All 189 on board crashed Indonesian jet feared dead

All 189 on board crashed Indonesian jet feared deadAll 189 passengers and crew aboard a crashed Indonesian Lion Air jet were likely killed in the accident, rescue officials said Monday, as they announced they had found human remains and would continue the grim search through the night. The Boeing-737 MAX, which went into service just months ago, vanished from radar 13 minutes after taking off from Jakarta, plunging into the Java Sea moments after it had asked to return to the Indonesian capital. Earlier, video footage apparently filmed at the scene of the crash showed a slick of fuel on the surface of the water and pictures showed what appeared to be an emergency slide and bits of wreckage bearing Lion Air's logo.

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Rabbi Has One Haunting Question For Trump Defender After Synagogue Shooting

Rabbi Has One Haunting Question For Trump Defender After Synagogue ShootingA former aide to President Donald Trump ran into a wall of opposition on a CNN

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Over nearly a century, Rose Mallinger saw the best and worst of America. Until Saturday.

Over nearly a century, Rose Mallinger saw the best and worst of America. Until Saturday.The oldest victim of the Tree of Life synagogue shooting had seen anti-Semitism rise and fall over the years, but was shielded from the worst of it. Until Saturday.

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Kentucky Dad Apologizes For Father-Son Nazi Halloween Costumes

Kentucky Dad Apologizes For Father-Son Nazi Halloween CostumesA Kentucky father who donned a Nazi uniform and dressed his son as Adolf

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Buffalo diocese says '60 Minutes' report 'incomplete'

Buffalo diocese says '60 Minutes' report 'incomplete'BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) — The Diocese of Buffalo declined to address details of a television report where diocesan insiders called for the bishop's resignation Monday, saying he hadn't done enough when confronted with reports of clergy sexual misconduct.

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7 days until the midterm elections: Where things stand

7 days until the midterm elections: Where things standHere's the latest news on the midterm elections on Nov. 6, 2018.

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The Most Stunning Red Buildings Around the World

The Most Stunning Red Buildings Around the World

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Israel has struck in Syria since Russia plane downed: Israeli official

Israel has struck in Syria since Russia plane downed: Israeli officialIsrael has carried out attacks in Syria since the accidental shooting down of a Russian surveillance plane last month, a senior Israeli official said on Monday. The Sept. 17 downing by Syrian anti-aircraft fire, after Israeli jets attacked a suspected Iranian arms shipment to Syria, caused a diplomatic rift between Israel and Russia, and Moscow blamed Israel for the incident.

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Trump Responds To Migrant Caravan By Deploying 5,200 More Troops To Mexican Border

Trump Responds To Migrant Caravan By Deploying 5,200 More Troops To Mexican BorderThe Trump administration is sending at least 5,200 active-duty troops to the

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Nature pushed to the brink by 'runaway consumption'

Nature pushed to the brink by 'runaway consumption'Unbridled consumption has decimated global wildlife, triggered a mass extinction and exhausted Earth's capacity to accommodate humanity's expanding appetites, the conservation group WWF warned Tuesday. From 1970 to 2014, 60 percent of all animals with a backbone -- fish, birds, amphibians, reptiles and mammals -- were wiped out by human activity, according to WWF's "Living Planet" report, based on an ongoing survey of more than 4,000 species spread over 16,700 populations scattered across the globe. "The situation is really bad, and it keeps getting worse," WWF International director general Marco Lambertini told AFP.

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Indonesia military chief 'strongly believes' crashed jet found

Indonesia military chief 'strongly believes' crashed jet foundThe smashed fuselage of a crashed Indonesian jetliner may have been found, the country's military chief said Wednesday, two days after the deadly accident feared to have killed 189 people. Hadi Tjahjanto said authorities were confident sonar technology had pinpointed the location of the Boeing 737-MAX plane that plunged into the sea on Monday. "We strongly believe we've determined the coordinates of the JT 610 fuselage," he told reporters in Jakarta.

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Backstage at 'Dancing with the Stars'

Backstage at 'Dancing with the Stars'Pros and celeb dancers prepare for Halloween Night in the ballroom.

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This quiche's velvety custard makes it perfect for any party

This quiche's velvety custard makes it perfect for any partyThis quiche's velvety custard makes it perfect for an elegant affair or a laid-back brunch. Store-bought pie dough, partially baked and still warm, can be used in place of the homemade crust.

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Uzbek bloggers test - and hit - the limits of new-found freedom

When Uzbek authorities detained several online activists in September, blogger Davronbek Tojialiyev packed some clothes in a bag and waited for the knock on his door.

from Reuters: World News

Austria says will not sign global migration pact

Austria will follow the United States and Hungary in backing out of a United Nations pact on migration over concerns that it will blur the line between legal and illegal migration, the right-wing government told media on Wednesday.

from Reuters: World News

Trump's visit to Pittsburgh's Tree of Life Synagogue shows he is dedicated to fighting anti-Semitism

Trump's visit to Pittsburgh's Tree of Life Synagogue shows he is dedicated to fighting anti-Semitism

Ingraham: When birthright goes wrong

Ingraham: When birthright goes wrong

Assistant to President Trump: What I learned from my visit to the Tree of Life Synagogue

Assistant to President Trump: What I learned from my visit to the Tree of Life Synagogue

Tucker: Election Day becoming referendum on immigration

Tucker: Election Day becoming referendum on immigration